Homebreing or rolling-your-own is where you build it
yourself. Most start with something very easy, and over time work on more complicated stuff. Don't worry, If you
can't or don't have any interest; it's not requiired. Some people just buld there own Coax cables, to save some money.
Others like to build antennas, or easy radios. You can buy kits, or get plans of what others have built. Some
get so good, they begin to design their own. QST, the magizine usually has at least one thing to build in each issue.
Me I tend to build cables, antenna, and non-electronic equipment. Through my club, I run into friends who are happy
to help, and are glad I'm even interested.

This is an Iambic paddle I built. You plug it into a keyer, then to the radio for morse
code. It works pretty well, and it fun to make.