A Wilderness Survival Site
This section deals with being caught in a disaster or going
in to help with an Emergancy. One should live by the Boy Scout's Motto, " Be Prepared." One going in to an area
to help needs to be self suficiant, and not be a burden to the area, by finding oneself being in need of help also.
This section in in noway complete, and one should look for proper guidance. This is only a starting point, and get one
to think at what one might need.
This is a small Kit designed towards sustaining life. The
focus should be on FOOD, SHELTER, and CLOTHING. Also it should include a First Aid Kit, Toiletrys, and Basic Hygene.
Some common items may vary due to climate/ season, ect. Some basics to think about are: at least a full change of clothing,
water purifacation, knife, lighter, compass. map, signaling, emergancy food, blanket, shelter (tent, tarp, ect.), meds, first
aid kit, pot ( prepare food, water, bathing, ect.) canteen, flashlight, batterys, whistle, spoon, fishhooks and line, toilet
paper, deoderant, mouthwash, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, ect. all in a small students book bag. The items will
vary, and some of these can be small, and iinexspensive. It couldn't hurt to have a survival guide on hand in case.
This is where you decide on what radio equipment you bring.
At a barebones minimum, one would bring there hand-held radio. However one should concider a mobile or HF radio, depending
on the type of emergancy, and your license class. Also one should concider how they will power the equipment,
for howlong, and the antenna system. Don't forget SWR meters, antenna tuners, ect. It is best to test thid setup
before using/ needing, to make sure everyhting works as well as one thinks,and to make sure you have everything you need.
This is usually a kit containing some basic
tools, extra connectors, VOM, and other odds-n-ends one might need in the field. Also this may have some spare fuses,
coax, wire, ect. The idea is simple. If it breaks, you can fix it.
This is extra food and clothing for those longer stays. Here
you have several changes of clothes, and more food. You might want to pack Granola bars, energy bars, dried food, and
other nonparishables. Also very important is to bring extra water. I believe it is something like 2 gallons per
day, per person. (drinking, cooking, and basic hygene)
This section cannot forsee everything, but some common things to
concider. If you bring a laptop, bring backup software, and media to save on, such as a thumbdrive. Make
sure things can be protected from the elements, and bring a few creature comforts for the down time. Focus on food,
shelter, and clothing. Ask someone who has done it. Why not? They may have run into things you may have
never thought about. And always keep safe. It makes no-sense to help others, just to become a statistic yourself.