This is an example of a QSL card. (F5SHI from France)

Hams help out during many disasters, such as Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornados, and Wild
fires; just to name a few.

Ham Radio; Offers many modes, power levels, bands, and ways to use it. You can communicate
across town, or around the world. There is something for everybody. This is why we say "Ham Radio...without

"Ham Radio for Dummies," is a good referance book, to find out many things about many aspects
of Ham Radio. Explains, some of the basic "Who, What, When, Where, and Why," of this great hobby.

There are many types of antenna, for many applications. The one in this picture is
a 9 element hand-held yagi directional antenna for 70 centimeters. There are also other Yagi, Verticle, Discone, Cubical
Quad, Beverage ( not a drink ), Dipoles, Inverted V's, and Log Periodic (like a roof-top TV antenna with many elements).
Some radiate in all directions, while others radiate only in one.
BPL Trials Video (ARRL)
ARRL 30sec.ad video (low-rez)