Radio is a "service" set by the FCC that requires a license. Also it is the world's greatest hobby. Many frequencies,
modes, and power levels are offered. One can talk, send morse code, digital modes, Amateur Television, and use
Satellites. You can talk across town or around the world. Ham Radio is a friendly fraturnity.
Hams come from all walk's of life, and all backgrounds. They are Astronauts, Actors, Singers, Athletes, Truck Drivers,
Scientist's, Engineer's, Women, and Common Folk. Simply put, Ham Radio know no borders to fun.
Ham Radio, also has many uses. We are a group of skilled radio operators, improve
world wide goodwill, and we advance the radio art. Most advances in anything wireless, was done by a Ham Radio Operator.
Many also work in disastors, are weather spotters, or some other official capacity. Some help by providing free communications
to many different public events. (i.e. marathons, parades, and festivals) Some help the National weather service,
by being offical weather spotters. On a more fun note, some Hams operate contests in wich they try to make as many contacts
as possible. Others see what they can build (Although not required). Some use it to control R/C Airplanes and
Cars, so they don't have interferance on their channel. There is something for everybody, and I couldn't cover all the
use's and applications on this site.
No, The two are not the same thing. Not even close. CB has only 40 channels, normally
has a short range (legally only 4 watts). Also you do not need a license. CB is usually full of foul language,
and lacks order. CB, only has voice AM, or SSB on the more exspensive models. Amplifiers are not legal for use
on CB radio. If you are caught, fines are stiff. (UPS was fined more than $250,000.00 recently) Direction finding
equipment has been around since the '30s, and the more power you use, the easier it is too find you.
Ham Radio, is a service, REQUIRING A LICENSE, filled with trained radio operators.
They have available to them, many modes, frequencies, high power amplifiers (1500 watts), and organizations to put their expertise
to work. Here, you can talk across town, or across the world. Ham Hadio continues to develop most of the
wireless technology, that exsists. Also they look for new ways to use older technology. It is full of tradition,
and order. Also Ham Radio is self policing. We are Amateur only by name, and experts in what we do. Ham
Radio is a lot of fun, but we also have a serious side.
The two simply cannot compare. They are on opposite ends of the radio coin.
It is like comparing Wireless internet to a garage door opener.
I developed this site to help out the new hams. Locally I have "Elmered" / Mentored several new hams.
I will do what I can to provide help. Of course the first thing you will need to get on the air is a radio with antenna.
A "Handy Talk" or "HT" as many call a portable hand held radio is often a good choice for a first radio.
Also very important is joining a local Ham / Amateur Radio Club. This is where
you can meet with other Hams, and get advice. They can recomend other Web-sites, equipment, or can help with setting
up a base station. Also this is a great place to make new friends. Most clubs will have a "business portion, "
and a speaker. A couple of clubs have a "Club Station."
Some Basic Rules
The FCC has a lot of rules governing Amateur Radio. These can be found in
part 97 of the FCC rules, and regulations. Don't be fooled by the thought, that they can't catch me. They do and
they will. DFing, and Trianglulation, are only a couple ways. They have been doing this for over 80 years.
But if you want a few basics as an idea before you get started. Do not swear
or use foul language. It is against the rules, and also children are ham radio operators, also the bands are monitored
all the time. You are not allowed to use ham radio to make you or your boss money. The very definition of Amateur,
is without finacial interest. Do not operate out side the bands governed by your license, or without a license.
Do not broadcast. You must give your call sign on the air every 10 minutes, AND at the end of the contact. There are
many other rules about being polite on the air, ECT.